April 19th, 2017Fencing and Fauna: Keeping Animals Out of Your Yard

Fencing and Fauna: Keeping Animals Out of Your Yard

Spring has finally arrived and not only do we want to start getting outdoors, but now we start to see more creatures exploring their surroundings. At times, this can mean right into your yard. As lovely as wildlife are, they can also be dangerous and a hassle to have in your yard.

Whether your fence is animal proof or not, take steps to getting it animal proofed. Depending on where you live, different fences are more applicable than others, do you know what’s best for your home?

Rural areas

It is inevitable that wildlife will get into your yard if you live in a rural area, but taking that into consideration you can still keep your fence and have it animal-friendly. Typically, fences in rural areas aren’t animal-friendly. At times, this can result in animals getting tangled up and attracting more attention to unwanted animals, especially predators.

You can get wildlife-friendly fences, designed to prevent injury and allow wildlife to move across a landscape. These can be low cost, yet effective. For example allowing an underpass fence, with a bar, so that animals can go under, instead of potentially ruining your fence is a great option if using barbed wire.

For wanting to try to avoid animals altogether, a tall fence with high wiring also works. These types of fences make it difficult for animals to climb through or over. 

City areas

A tall fence can be effective in a city area. A taller fence will deter animals from trying to get in, however, if you are in the city and your goal is to keep out smaller animals, going with a shorter fence might be a better option. Something like a sturdy wooden fence is a great asset to your yard when trying to keep out smaller animals.


Your garden is a big draw to wildlife. As lovely and appealing as they are, they are also an animal’s smorgasbord. If you have a big garden, hiding it behind a solid fence works best to keep animals out of your yard. They won’t be able to see what is in it, therefore will go elsewhere for food.

 In a suburban area, there are higher chances that bigger animals will find their way into your yard, in this case, a taller fence of any sorts will help deter them from entering. If deer are a part of the issue, building a tall fence that is a bit slanted will help deter them from trying to hop over into your yard.

In addition to a tall fence, adding hedges or a wire fence as a backup is also a great way to keep animals out. The wire fence acts as an extra shield to little critters who also want to explore your yard.

We offer a variety of fencing options, from small to tall and wire to wood. If you’re interested in learning what kind of fence would fit best for your home, give us a call. 

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